Friday, October 30, 2009

Sleeping in...

Elaine had an episode last night. I left her with Wayland for 1 hour and 15 min and she freaked out. I pumped 3 oz of milk for him but that was just in case since I fed her a lot before I left. I went with my mom to Wal-mart looking for a new car seat at 10:00 pm because the one Way and I selected, even though it says convertible, is too big to be rear-facing. It doesn't fit in either of our cars safely. So, he calls and Lainie is having a fit. She drank the back up milk and we haven't introduced formula yet. I raced home after making a purchase of Halloween candy in the slowest checkout lane ever and she was quite by then (12 min. tops) . Anyway, she woke up as usual every 2 to 3 hours and slept from 5:39 to 9:30 this morning. Above is her sleeping in.
She will meet Dr. Miller today to get her first vaccination, oh NO!


bev said...

Oh dear, she needs her Nana to come and give her some loves and kisses.

Mimaw said...

I'm w/Bev, this calls for serious Nana time! She is BEE-YOU-TEE-FUL
Take a nap!

Megan said...

That's what my kids do. They'll go HOURS between feedings as long as I'm there. But I leave the house & they freak out. I think they can smell me & know when I'm no longer there!!

We bought one of those car seats & had to return it as well, because it wouldn't fit rear facing!!

kendall said...

too bad about the car seat! Hope you found one that works for you.
and no advice about the leaving baby.... Sonny still cries when I leave him and he's, uhmmm.. not a newborn.

kendall said...

and.. I love that little fist of Elaine's. In so many of the pictures she has it right up touching her face, so cute.

Wendell and Carole said...

Oh boy, watch out Joanie, that cute little Elaine is going to get very spoiled, while Nana and Aunt Kendall are there. They will spoil her rotten, then leave!!!!! Oh Wait, THAT is exactly what Grandmas are supposed to do...

London said...

she is so pretty.