Friday, July 31, 2009

Inspired by Sephora Plum

Ever since I picked up my Sephora birthday gift I have had such a purple inspiration. Sephora gave me 3 wonderful lip glosses for my birthday and I split them with Gretchen and Brielle. If there are any Sephora non-believers out there, I'm here to tell you it is all its cracked up to be! Anyway, I also bought purple flipflops and found "Raisin" mascara by Almay to match my plum lipgloss that smells like Dr. Pepper. Yes purple mascara is my new found love. I always thought my eyes were gray or blue until they clashed with blue mascara. My eyes are green! My search for green mascara led me to "raisin". For any of those with green eyes, please consider a brownish purple color, you may never go back!
ps. updated belly picture. There's a sweet little girl in there!


London said...

Okay, I love Sephora also. They have a tiny one inside of a JCPenney now that is about 15 minutes from my house. I don't go there nearly enough. I need some more foundation and lip gloss, so I will be making a trip shortly. That baby will be so girly with all this girly girl stuff going on.

P.S. I love your purple tie dyed shirt. We just did a tie dyed shirts at Aftons bday party today. They were so cute, and I think I need to make me one now.

kendall said...

what a great picture of you, Joanie! I've only heard of Sephora from you.. maybe I should check it out.

bev said...

Well darn it all. I guess it is time for me to look into and discover what Sephora is. Never even heard of it until you started talking about it.