Thursday, April 23, 2009

What am I even paying him for?

Went to the doctor yesterday. He sent me to have a very expensive sonogram 2 weeks ago to determine a more exact age of the fetus which is where we decided I was about 2 weeks less pregnant and that makes complete sense. Well he is still refering to my last cycle and says, "well Ms. Joanna, you are at 14.1 weeks and the morning sickness should be gone now so how do you feel?" Uh doc, I still have morning sickness and I'm 12 and 1/2 half weeks. He then proceeds to prep a yellowed-with-age machine that has something on it like cardio or whatever and he lubes up my belly with cold jelly and proceeds to find the baby's heart beat. What's the deal?! We just had this done 2 weeks ago with top notch equipment at Winnepalmer Hospital! Then there was the waaku waaku waaku sound coming out of the plastic cardio-dinosaur and I smiled. That's our baby.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Eleven Weeks Chunky

I have just bought a replacement camera since Kodak didn't want to take responsibility for their defective product. Wayland thinks I did something to the camera but I've just had really bad luck with the last two I've owned. Anyway, this ones a beaute! I have taken my first self portrait with it and realized I have successfully put on a protective layer of fat. I think I'm packing on the pounds too quickly but I can't help it. Eating is the only thing that keeps me from getting sick. Especially Mexican Food and lots of it. Yum.

Friday, April 10, 2009

First peeks!

He's not much to look at but he was definately active. Here's his first 3D picture. Please don't be alarmed if you see a tail on the baby. I assure you he is not a kangaroo. Our due date has changed to October 31st, 2009 so this has forced me to set the week-by-week counter to the right back about 2 weeks. Ugggghhhhhh! I still have more 1st trimester to go. Will the morning sickness ever end!!!!! On the lighter side of things I have only gained a 1/2 pound this week. The sonogram and the NT screening indicate that everything is progressing fine and there aren't any concerns.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Belly Blog One...

This is it. My first blog. As most may already know Wayland and I are having a baby! We are in week 12 and I have gained 12 lbs. This will be number 4 so pray for us. My sweet camera is on it's way to be repaired so please be patient, I'll post pictures of the belly soon. Gretchen, Brielle and Grant came up with a list of names for the baby and here they are: (original spelling has been preserved)

  • Kara
  • Shirer
  • Cleeo
  • Amelia Jones
  • Laya Amy
  • Lalie
  • Iris
  • Navilla
  • Dilen Jon
  • Deven
  • Willy
  • Damein
  • Ralf
  • Jude
  • Lary