Friday, August 7, 2009

Thank you Kathy and Thank you Wayland!

Wayland brought this DVD home from the library. It was a sweet thought. This great 1989 production of Kathy Smith's Pregnancy Workout demonstrates how gross it is to watch chunky pregos in unitards working out to a sweet 80's beat and feelin' the burn. I did it for a couple of minutes and I decided this is something I must do in private to spare my dignity. My favorite part is when Kathy says, "...And now your kegels, ... 2, 3, 4 and 1, 2, 3, 4."


bev said...

LOL!!!! How sweet of Wayland to bring that home to you. Flowers would have sufficed, right?

London said...

I'm impressed your even working out. When I have been preg and nursing I feel that it is my obligation really, to eat whatever, whenever. For the baby of course. That would explain a lot about why my clothes still are not fittin the way I would like.

Allison said...

Its the thought that counts. Right?