Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Elaine just Flu in!

Wayland and I were in a bad way last Wednesday. We both caught a bug in the same hour and while his bug lasted only 2 days mine has dragged on and on. Aches, pains, fever, cough, headache, chills, sore throat, itchy throat, runny nose watery eyes etc. (if there is anything else). Well, 2:00 am Monday morning our little shnookie started a fever, 101.3. Then by 6:00 am she was whinning constantly. The pharmacist at Walgreens told me not to try to treat her fever because she is only 12 weeks and to call Doc. Dr. Miller is such a saint. He brought us right in on that holiday Monday and sent us to the hospital. We would've had a non-stop ticket straight to a bed but pediatrics was full so we went through the ER. They gave her every test there is and said she had the flu. That's weird because that's what we had! Whatever, 4 attempts at an IV later we got a bed and they observed her over night. We came home this afternoon with a lot of congestion and 2 tamiflu doses later. She seems to be doing ok but very sleepy. Sorry to scare everyone with the hospital stay but we were really worried for a little bit because she is so small and sooooooooooo sweet!

I begged the nurses to print her chest X-ray for us to put on her blog. They agreed because they thought it was a cute idea. Baby bones are so CUTE! Was that too weird?

Addition: Here's how Elaine feels today. She might be a little dehydrated but she is smiley.
(The blue bear gets most of the abuse.)


Simply Vera said...

I hope she is fine.... she will be in my prayers.... You're a good mommy....

Allison said...

I'm so glad everyone is okay. Let me know if you need anything.

Brooke B said...

That sucks! I had it this week too, I can't imagine how these tiny ones feel when us big people are dying!

bev said...

That is the cutest little picture I ever did see. I love her guts...... and bones.

kendall said...

glad the nurse let you have a copy of the xray. and VERY glad she is feeling better... it's scary when the little little ones have a fever.

Mimaw said...

s-c-a-r-y for little ones to get sick. I'm glad she's doing better, LOVELY bones - Hey isn't that a book I read once?

bev said...

Is that a little bruise on top of her hand from the IV that I see?

Unknown said...

Yes and there are 3 more like it.