He's not much to look at but he was definately active. Here's his first 3D picture. Please don't be alarmed if you see a tail on the baby. I assure you he is not a kangaroo. Our due date has changed to October 31st, 2009 so this has forced me to set the week-by-week counter to the right back about 2 weeks. Ugggghhhhhh! I still have more 1st trimester to go. Will the morning sickness ever end!!!!! On the lighter side of things I have only gained a 1/2 pound this week. The sonogram and the NT screening indicate that everything is progressing fine and there aren't any concerns.
Are you telling me its a he??? Or does it just look like a he??? Ohhhh, I think its a beautiful "thing". My DNA is growing right there and now. SCARY.
The sex of the baby cannot be determined until 16 weeks. We are calling it a he because we need another boy to balance out the estrogen load. Plus Grant never considered a little sister so we didn't want to burst his bubble.
awwww.. he's adorable!
Hi Joanie, I'm Wayland's Aunt Patti, I am a blog-stalker, I like to check out everyone's stuff. Tell Wayland "hi" and congrats on the upcoming nuptuals and the the boo-boo-baa-baa on it's way
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