Tuesday, December 29, 2009

What is a Christmas without batteries?

So, if you're wondering where the heck are our little ones opening presents, well, there are only a few pictures taken from an iphone. SUCK! Wayland bought batteries and I guess their shelf life had expired because they wouldn't even turn on my Nikon. I think he got a little juice out of them for one small video on the Flip. I plan to take pictures of the various items received as soon as I get my hands on a couple of reliable batteries.

The big kids mostly got shoes and clothes. Grant is opening a Shel Silverstein book for all three of them.

Gretchen got the 80's boots she wanted. Her dad said she couldn't have them because they look like hooker boots. Oh that's nice coming from a dead-beat redneck, pot smokin', beer drinking, toothless son of a B****.
(Sorry, I got carried away. I'm a little protective.)

Elaine just couldn't keep up.


bev said...

Ohhhhh, thanks. I was soooo hoping you would post some Xmas pix. I had finally given up, and then BOOM. Post some more. Thanks so much for blogging. I love the updates sooooo much.

bev said...

Your fishie's drive me crazy. They never want to be done eating!!!!

kendall said...

yes, your fishes are little piglets.
love the pictures! looks like a good time at your house.

bev said...

Oh damn ya Joanie. Your frog is hungry always and kinda creeps me out with his long legs and feetsies, and I HATE RODENTS. This one is cute... which makes me feel sorry for him because it makes me feel sad to see God's creatures confined but I want him to die so that I don't have to feel sorry for him. I HATE RODENTS. Hahahahahah..... Thanks for the entertainment.