Friday, February 26, 2010

It's cold.

It's 34° and it's coooooollllld! Just north of us is 27°. I know you Utahn's are cold too but we're freakin out! Everything is brown and our kids have a constant sniffle. ANY ADVICE?


Mimaw said...

Burrrr, do you have an electric blanket? I USED to have a hot-tub ;-) I wish I could send you one of my impressive "hot-flashes" that would keep ya warm for a bit

kendall said...

I've found sitting on the couch, using the least amount of energy helps.. (ya gotta save that energy for something really important).

bev said...

Blankets and lots of them or an electric blanket, a lotta fat (that's what the Eskimo's do!), huddle up close to a loved one, seal up your windows with plastic to keep the breezes out, invest in heavy thick curtians, excercise often and hard, turn up the heat and pay alot, fire in the fireplace that you don't have, vacation in a warm spot, stuff your clothes with crunched up newspaper, lots of layered clothing, wear thermal underwear, wool socks, wear muffs and boots, drink hot chocolate and tea, eat lots of hot soup or stew, spicy food works too, build an igloo (that's what the boyscouts do in the wintertime while camping), kill a seal or two for the fur and skin....You can also use their fat for frying and for making candles.
Should I stop now?

Sorry its so cold for you. Good luck, hang in there. Spring is around the corner..... Do you have spring?

bev said...
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