Monday, March 22, 2010

Shout it out from the roof tops!

I'm so excited!!!! I start work next Monday! This is the company I will be joining as their newest web application programmer and software developer:

They will bring me on for 20-30 hrs a week for 30 days and then we will discuss going to full-time and what benefits I'm interested in (perrrrrrfect! I get to be with Lainie for a little longer). They operate out of an office that is 1.3 miles away. I pass by Gretchen and Brielle's school to get there. Could it get any more convenient! My prayers have been answered. I get to begin the career I've worked so hard for.


bev said...

This must be a bittersweet moment. The job you have always wanted. But now you have to give up some of your awesome "Mommy-ness" to have a career. Nothing is ever perfect and everything is usually always a challenge! I hope all works out. Wish I was there to help with the kiddo's. Good luck to ALL of you.
You did tell them you wouldn't be around for a week or so in July didn't you?????

Brooke B said...

Congrats! Thats awesome!

Mimaw said...

congrats, but you do know it will be more than a job . . . . . it's a n inconvenience!! hahahaha, Good luck.

kendall said...

sweeeeeet! sounds like it's going to work out wonderfully. I'm excited for you!!! GO JOANIE

Allison said...

I'm so happy for you. You deserve all the success in the world. I'll be rooting for you.