Friday, October 16, 2009

37.7 week visit

Doc says there isn't much going on. Perhaps it won't be too hard to keep her baking. We might have to induce anyway but not before 40 weeks unless I just can't take it anymore. I've gained another 4 lbs. in the last two weeks and nothing, I mean nothing fits anymore (not even my XL bath robe). We are about 1 to 2 cm. dilated but she is still really high. I don't know how heavy she is but I think she is going to have a roll or two. Yay, for fat babies!


Megan said...

Hang in there!! I hope the time passes quickly for you!
It's amazing it's only been 12 weeks since I was in your shoes & I have already forgotten how miserable I was.

kendall said...

I wish I could see your big belly! I bet you look adorable.
Hang in there! it has been an entire year and a half since I was there... and I remember very clearly how miserable I was!!!

Miriam said...

Can't wait for pics of said baby and report of labor and delivery! We're praying for you!