Thursday, October 22, 2009

Saying yes to induction...

OK, only 1 week later and I've changed my mind. Dr. Bling-Bling says we are 2 cm dilated now and 70% effaced which is more than last week but still not enough to get excited over. However, this being my 3rd baby means that signs of labor will most likely happen just before serious contractions start. Whatever, I am miserable and feel like I have too much to do to be pregnant anymore. I know what you're thinking... just wait till the baby comes and see how that will get in the way of what you have to do, right? Well, more specifically I mean that my body will not allow me to keep up with an 11 year old and 2 eight year olds. I am holding them back from stuff we would normally be doing. In addition, there are things I want to do before I go back to work like refinish the cigar table my Grandma S. wanted to throw out. I'm tired and depressed because everyday feels like the same old monotonous day. Wash dishes, do some laundry, pick up kids, make dinner, help with homework, get kids ready for bed and spend the rest of the night nursing an aching back. I feel like I've been planning and waiting for something that just won't come. I'm not looking for sympathy, I'm telling you this to tell you this; we are scheduled for induction at 1:00 am on Monday morning. I hope to have a little girl to show the world by 2 or 3 in the afternoon. Of course I won't object to going into labor before then. Wayland pointed out that Monday the 26th is Labour Day for New Zealanders. Its an omen.


Wendell and Carole said...

Best of luck to you on Monday. Can't wait to see Lanie. Love, Aunt Carole

Mimaw said...

Whoop-ee. good luck! As with all pregnant women My wish for you: Small head, large cervex. Tell Wayland good luck too. Babies are truly the best thing God ever breathes breath in to.

Megan said...

Amen.. I am not an induction fan, but when my Dr.throws that word around in those last weeks, all those previous thoughts are told to shut up!
Good Luck!!

Megan said...

P.S. I'm glad you were putting diaper production on hold, because Jeff just informed me that he hasn't mailed that package yet! (He told me he would a LONG time ago! The turd!)

London said...

You don't have to explain yourself to me. Sounds great, good luck, can't wait to hear all about her.

P.S. What doctor starts inductions at 1 am? You are going to be exhausted by the time the baby arrives.

bev said...

Whoooooo Hoooooo....... I can't wait to see a pic of my new little one, baby Lainie (how do we spell it?). You wouldn't think 2,500 miles could help the bond.... She could be 10,000 miles away and I would still love and cherish her just the same as if she were next door. I'm soooooo excited to have her here with us.

Unknown said...

You spelled it right Nana. Its Elaine Rosalie (Lainie) we'll send pictures right away and I'll be sure to call you while she cries so you can hear her.

bev said...

Darn it all Joanie.... Your making me tear up and now I can't read the screen! Good Luck!!! We love you.

Miriam said...

Hope all goes well for you and the baby. You'll be in our prayers. We are so excited and can't wait for pics.